3 tips to boost your confidence”.”3 tips to boost your confidence


Your steps: 
  1.  Read the words with translation;
  2.  Tap on the link;
  3.  Watch the video (WITHOUT subtitles);
  4.  For the 2nd time turn the subtitles on and watch the video again (it will be easier);
  5.  Write your opinion about the topic (for example, Are you a confident person? Is it easy for you to do something important? Who can cheer you up? Does this video motivate you? etc.).

Am I confident in myself? Absolutely not. People will always condemn you, and teenagers will not cope with it, someone is trying to assert themselves on you, because you are insecure and an easy target, many cannot stand it and commit suicide. This led me to fear of people and isolation.
I lose interest in everything I enjoy doing and try to avoid failure. This video does not motivate me, but I think it will do with music.

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